37 results containing all your search terms were found

Set up Opbeat on my website

Integrated Opbeat with the existing website for performance insights.

django python opbeat

100$ - Ukraine - 6 years, 10 months ago

Create Python Fabric deployment script

The fabfile has been created with multiple options, for example: dev Dev-server settings prod Production settings admin.add_ssh_public_key Add ssh public key to a remote host. admin.create_superuser Example: fab prod admin.create_superuser:ubuntu admin.create_user Require a user and its home directory by default. admin.setup Require some Debian/Ubuntu/Python packages admin.sudoer ...

deployment django nginx fabric python

400$ - Ukraine - 7 years ago

Auto-generate images for mobile devices

The command that generates different images for different mobile devices based on model's settings.

django images

200$ - Ukraine - 7 years, 2 months ago

Create tests for Django Website

The unit and integration tests were created to test the Django website main features such as login, signup, user's payments, etc.

django unit-testing integration-testing

300$ - Ukraine - 7 years, 3 months ago

Upgrade the Django version and its requirements

The website was upgraded to Django 1.8 by changing the source code and its migration scripts.

django migration

500$ - Ukraine - 7 years, 3 months ago

Provide the slider with the gallery view

The gallery is opened when a user clicks on the slider.

django jquery javascript

45$ - Ukraine - 7 years, 4 months ago

Set up a responsive image slider

The responsive image slider that scales with its container. It has swipe support, dots, etc.

django jquery javascript

75$ - Ukraine - 7 years, 5 months ago

Implement progressive image loading using blurry images

The javascript loads blurred versions of images first.

django python-imagining-library

125$ - Ukraine - 7 years, 5 months ago

Translate website using external apps

The admin view that allows to push/pull the content to/from translation services using celery.

django admin api celery

300$ - Ukraine - 7 years, 6 months ago

Create a notification system

Created a notification system that notifies users about events. It shows a message and proper time.

django angular redis websocket tornado

150$ - Ukraine - 7 years, 6 months ago