6 results containing all your search terms were found

Translate website using external apps

The admin view that allows to push/pull the content to/from translation services using celery.

django admin api celery

300$ - Ukraine - 7 years, 6 months ago

Detect and block spam accounts

The admin page with different filters and action buttons.

django users

50$ - Ukraine - 7 years, 9 months ago

Create access-request system for employees

The web application has two types of users (roles): admins and employees. Employees can create access requests and admins approve or reject them. Each user has their own dashboard. Features: * search access requests * filter access requests by their status, dates, etc. * notification system * chart and statistic * history of access requests

django django-admin javascript twitter-bootstrap

1300$ - Ukraine - 7 years, 10 months ago

Create a blog with categories and tags

The blog allows publishing articles through the admin interface. Also, you can create categories and tags there.

django blog bootstrap

200$ - Ukraine - 7 years, 10 months ago

Approve or reject object creation or its changes in the admin interface

The custom admin interface that allows to: * approve or reject object changes * track removed objects * leave comments and change notes

django admin bootstrap workflow

800$ - Ukraine - 7 years, 10 months ago

Insert TabularInline any other (InlineModelAdmin) between fields or fieldsets.

Here is a free full detailed guide how to solve this problem with code examples and snippets. https://line... Test project can be found here: https://gith...

django python django-admin

0$ - Ukraine - 7 years, 10 months ago